Spray Foam Insulation
Distinctive Spray Foam is an insulation that is applied to a building or home’s substrate and creates an airtight seal. Spray foam’s effectiveness as an insulator is due to the fact that its structure contains tiny pockets that block air and energy flow, much like a wool sweater would keep you warm on a cold fall day. In addition, spray polyurethane foam is flexible and conforms to the space where it is sprayed. This makes it ideal for a variety of different building applications.
Transforming Homes with Distinctive Spray Foam Insulation
The process of insulating with spray foam starts with the crew cleaning and preparing the area that needs to be sprayed. This typically involves removing existing insulation, if it exists. If the project is a new construction, pole barn, or commercial structure, there may not be any existing insulation to remove. Once the prep work is done, the crew will run a hose to the area that needs to be sprayed. The foam will then expand and fill the space. The foam must have a bit of moisture to help it expand properly, which can be accomplished by spraying a little water on the surface.
Open and closed-cell spray foam are both suitable for most applications, but the climate zone can impact what substrates can be used for each type of spray foam. For instance, in our region, Climate Zone 5, open spray foam can be applied to wood substrates but not metal. In contrast, a closed cell foam can be sprayed on metal substrates as well as wood.
Distinctive Spray Foam
“12439 CR 96,
Nunn, CO 80648”
(970) 413-4205