Demographics of Call Girls

A call girl, also known as an escort or a call-girl prostitute, is a type of sex worker who is not visible to the general public and is not employed by an institution like a brothel. Instead, she advertises her services through a variety of methods, including small ads in magazines or online, and clients arrange meetings with her primarily by calling a telephone number. Some call girls are self-employed and operate independently; others work for an escort agency or pimp. Some call girls work as incall escorts, which means they meet clients at her location; others are outcall escorts, which mean they travel to the client’s home or hotel.

Although comprehensive demographic data about call girls is scarce, existing studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that they are largely white, educated, intelligent, stylish, sophisticated, and discreet. Unlike street prostitutes, who often engage in unsanitary and chaotic sexual encounters, most call girls are skilled at meeting their clients’ wishes and expectations. Sessions may be brief, involving nothing more than orgasm, or much longer, involving conversation, cuddling, leisurely lovemaking, extended role-playing, and traditional dinner dates.


Available studies indicate that, for a significant percentage of men, visits with call girls are about more than just sex. Married men, for example, sometimes report that they visit call girls to discuss topics that they would not discuss with their wives; single men sometimes indicate that they use a call girl as an alternative to a girlfriend because she can be more readily available and is not subject to the time commitment of a committed relationship.