Spray Foam Insulation 316 Insulation

316 Insulation seals nooks and crannies on new construction and existing homes and buildings. It prevents air movement – cold drafts in winter, hot air in summer – and helps cut energy bills and maintenance costs for the homeowner. It also adds a degree of sound dampening and deters mold growth.

Unlike traditional fiberglass or cellulose insulation, spray foam insulation is a liquid and expands as it is applied. It is sprayed into an open cavity like the attic, crawl space or rim joist in new construction, or into uncovered walls in older homes, commercial buildings and pole barns. It is even used to insulate and seal around window and door frames, as well as wall penetrations and electrical outlets.

Spray Foam Insulation: An Eco-Friendly Choice

The two components of spray foam, polyurethane, and isocyanate, are mixed separately in a large drum called an “A-Side” and a smaller drum called a “B-Side.” The 2 chemicals are then sprayed together through a hose into a spray gun and chemically react to expand and harden into spray insulation. The foam insulation is sprayed directly onto the wall framing or slab where it fills and seals the gap, creating an effective thermal envelope.

The spray foam expands as it dries to fill cracks and crevices, making this type of insulation very cost-efficient because it insulates better than fiberglass batts at a lower price point. Typically, the upfront cost of spray foam installation is offset by reduced heating and cooling bills that quickly make up for the initial investment.

316 Insulation of Tacoma
3010 N 27th St Tacoma WA 98407