Contact Oney Customer Service

The banking company of the Oney brand has set up a service space for its customers which allows them to have consultations with an advisor in real time. You can also use their Facebook page to get in touch with a staff member. It is very easy and it will also allow you to have a quick answer to your question.

How will you handle angry customer?

The Adressez-vous au service client de Oney. number is 0825 28 29 30 (call without surcharge 0.15 EUR per minute) and you can call Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday from 9.30 a.m. to 8 p.m. We will answer you in real time to the questions you have for your account or your bank cards.

If you have specific questions about your financing or your bank card, we advise you to call a member of Oney staff before making a complaint. French law protects consumers, but you can also file a complaint online and see if you will receive a sufficient response to your request.

The support services of the Auchan group are all focused on ensuring payment in 3 instalments and 4 instalments during in-store visits by this banking bank. The company has also developed a payment automation program with partner brands and offers several advantages to consumers such as the possibility of paying by credit card unless you have to run from store to store when checking out.